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T R I - S T A T E

- Base Reflectivity -
- KILN -
current NWS Level 3 radar status
      Non Precipitation         Light      Moderate     Heavy           Very Heavy             Extreme  
dBZ scale
Warning Box Colors:      Flash Flood      Severe Thunderstorm      Tornado             Page loaded: 2025/03/28 - 19:14:31Z  
CAUTION: Always check time-stamp to verify latest radar image is being displayed ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑  
your browser if a more current image may be available  
Warning Boxes are updated when a new radar image is available (could be delayed up to 5 minutes)
S t o r m    M a r k e r    L e g e n d

Storm Tracks are one hour in length
Marker locations are approximate & may be delayed
Heavy Rain, Hail or Damaging Winds may precede the storm core.

Click HERE for a list of Storm Report Icons and sample warnings
Doppler Radar 101
Doppler Radar 201
Rain Rate vs. Reflectivity
General Radar (WSR-88D) Interpretation
Radar Beams and Ground Clutter
Volume Coverage Patterns and Tilt Elevations
NWS Radar Images
Composite vs Base Reflectivity
(mouse over image for comparison)
Storm Relative Motion
(mouse over image for example)
Why a Hail Spike forms on radar
Features to look for on radar
Bounded Weak Echo Region
Bow Echo
Dry Line
Hail Spike (Three-Body Scatter Spike)
Hook Echo
Mesocyclone in Storm-Relative Velocity
Outflow Boundary
Tornado Detection Algorithm
Bright Bands (winter)
KILN Radar Coverage West of Wilmington Ohio
Radar Coverage

Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet