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Liberty Fairfield Weather Center Weather History 12:08am EST 1/22/25 |
Weather Condition | Today (as of 12:08am) | Yesterday | This Month | This Year | Station Record |
Precipitation: | 0.00" | " | 1.33" | 1.33" | 62.31" 2011 |
High Temperature: | -2.8° (12:00am) | 14.1° (12:59pm) | 43.7° (1/17/25) | 43.7° (1/17/25) | 104.4° JUL 7, 2012 |
Low Temperature: | -3.0° (12:05am) | -3.0° (11:38pm) | -3.0° (1/21/25) | -3.0° (1/21/25) | -9.5° JAN 28, 2014 |
High Dew Point: | -8.7° (12:00am) | 5.5° (10:21am) | 37.2° (1/18/25) | 37.2° (1/18/25) | 83.9° AUG 25, 2023 |
Low Dew Point: | -8.9° (12:05am) | -9.6° (10:01pm) | -9.6° (1/21/25) | -9.6° (1/21/25) | -14.7° JAN 6, 2014 |
High Pressure: | 30.64" Hg (12:00am) | 30.68" Hg (8:38pm) | 30.68" Hg (1/21/25) | 30.68" Hg (1/21/25) | 30.95" Hg FEB 9, 2019 |
Low Pressure: | 30.64" Hg (12:03am) | 30.60" Hg (1:21pm) | 29.73" Hg (1/18/25) | 29.73" Hg (1/18/25) | 28.87" Hg MAR 3, 2023 |
Wind Run: | 0 miles | unavailable | 1408 miles | 1408 miles | 28139 miles 2009 |
High Wind Gust: | 0 mph (12:00am) | 15 mph (1:07pm) | 22 mph (1/6/25) | 22 mph (1/6/25) | 52+ mph SEP 14, 2008 |
Low Wind Gust: | 0 mph (12:00am) | 0 mph (12:00am) | |||
Heating Degree Days: | 0.4 | unavailable | 874.0 | 874.0 | 5847 2014 |
Cooling Degree Days: | 0.0 | unavailable | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1562 2010 |
High Heat Index: | 0.8° (12:00am) | 16.1° (12:59pm) | 46.3° (1/18/25) | 46.3° (1/18/25) | 123.4° JUL 11, 2011 |
Low Heat Index: | 0.6° (12:05am) | 0.3° (11:38pm) | 0.3° (1/21/25) | 0.3° (1/21/25) | -5.4° JAN 28, 2014 |
High Wind Chill: | -2.8° (12:00am) | 13.4° (1:09pm) | 43.7° (1/17/25) | 43.7° (1/17/25) | 104.4° JUL 7, 2012 |
Low Wind Chill: | -3.0° (12:05am) | -10.2° (6:56pm) | -14.0° (1/20/25) | -14.0° (1/20/25) | -38.4° JAN 6, 2014 |
High Relative Humidity: | 75% (12:00am) | 79% (9:24am) | 94% (1/18/25) | 94% (1/18/25) | 100% Multiple |
Low Relative Humidity: | 75% (12:00am) | 51% (3:37pm) | 43% (1/20/25) | 43% (1/20/25) | 14% APR 7, 2012 |
High Feels Like Temp: | -2.8° (12:00am) | see report | |||
Low Feels Like Temp: | -3.0° (12:05am) | see report |
See NOAA Reports for more details.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Annual - Data & Graphs (starting 12/22/2007) available at
Weather Underground
All Time Records for this Weather Station January 1, 2008 - Present |
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